Richardson Criminal Defense Attorney
Put Decades of Experience in Your Corner
The Richardson criminal defense lawyer at MAS Law are dedicated to defending and protecting your rights through quality representation. When your freedom and livelihood are at stake, get help from an experienced team of criminal defense attorneys.
Our firm strives to ensure your constitutional rights are honored and respected. Contact us instead and schedule a initial consultation to discuss your case with an experienced legal professional.
Dial (972) 460-9339 now and get started. You can also contact MAS Law online.
Assault & Domestic Family Violence
Domestic family violence in Texas are threats of violence or acts of violence taken against family members, household members, or current or past dating partners. These acts consist of knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly inflicting bodily injury on the alleged victim, threatening him or her with sudden bodily harm, or engaging in some type of physical contact that is offensive or provocative.
In any of these actions, first offenses are charged as Class misdemeanors. You will be charged with a third-degree felony if you have previous domestic violence convictions.
The most common misconception people have about domestic family violence is that your partner/spouse/girlfriend has authority to drop charges when emotions cool. The reality is that once assault charges are filed by the State, no one but the State can decide whether charges are dismissed.
The consequences of a domestic family violence conviction can be severe because the charge could go on your permanent record, and you could face possible jail time. There are many opportunities in domestic family violence cases for an experienced lawyer to negotiate for a better outcome/resolution. Give us a call and see how we can help you.
Outside of a family/household context, assault in Texas is defined in the same way as it is for domestic violence. However, assault in these cases is charged differently.
Assault involving actual physical contact with the alleged victim will generally be charged as a Class A misdemeanor carrying up to a year in jail and/or a fine of up to $4,000. Assault that consists only of a threat and no actual physical contact may be charged as lower-level (Class B or Class C) misdemeanors.
Assaults against public servants such as firefighters, emergency medical technicians, or other governmental personnel may be charged as a third-degree felony punishable by two up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.
Drug Charges
Drug crimes can range from simple possession for your own personal use to possession with intent to sell, sales or distribution, cultivation or manufacture, and drug trafficking.
These crimes not only involve controlled substances such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and others but the possession/distribution of medical drugs obtained through fraud.
Drug offenses are serious crimes and will jeopardize your freedom. Since Texas is known for having harsh penalties for drug convictions, felony drug offense convictions could come with a jail sentences and other harsh punishments.
Like other crimes, the severity of punishments often depends on the type of drug and quantity or amount of the drug involved.
No matter what evidence the police or the prosecutors have, you should consult with a criminal defense attorney in Richardson so he or she can carefully investigate the crime and the procedures to make sure your rights are protected.
In Texas, DWI is a criminal offense that prohibits a person from driving or operating a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated. Texas law defines intoxication as:
- When a person uses an alcoholic beverage, drug, controlled substance, or any combination thereof, and as a result, loses his or her mental or physical ability to safely operate a motorized vehicle
- A person’s blood alcohol concentration is more than 0.08 of the body
Our DWI defense attorneys can investigate every aspect of your case with the ultimate goal of keeping your record clean. In addition of reviewing your video, our nationwide DWI attorneys can investigate to see whether:
- There was a probable cause or a valid reason for initially stopping your vehicle
- There was sufficient evidence for the police officer to investigate you for a possible DWI
- The police officer was properly trained in conducting the standardized field sobriety test
- The police officer correctly conducted the standardized field sobriety tests
- In the event that blood or breath samples were given, was it given properly and in accordance with Texas law
- The equipment and the instrument used to take your blood or breath samples were working properly
Sex Crimes
Any form of human sexual behavior that is prohibited by law is considered a sex crime, and when such an offense is committed, the person will be charged with some type of sex crime.
Some sex crimes are crimes of violence that involve sex, while others involve only sexual behaviors, such as activity involving a minor, indecent exposure, or exhibitionism. Examples of sex crimes under Texas law include:
- Rape
- Sexual assault
- Public lewdness
- Prostitution
- Solicitation
- Indecent exposure
- Child pornography
Convictions of sex crimes are among the most severely punished because most of these offenses are considered felonies in Texas. The penalties for state jail felonies, second-degree, and first-degree felonies can carry years in prison, hefty fines, and probation.
Many also carry mandatory sex offender registration for periods assigned by the court or periods of 10 years up to life depending on the offense. If you or a loved one is facing sex crime accusations or charges, early intervention by an experienced Richardson criminal defense attorney is critical to assure the best outcome.
Contact our Richardson criminal defense attorney online or by calling (972) 460-9339 today!
Theft Crimes
A theft crime involves the unlawful taking of another’s property without their consent, with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of the property.
According to the federal government’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), there are about 10 million theft crimes committed a year, and over 1 million people will be arrested.
Theft crimes can be misdemeanors or felonies and the maximum sentences can include many years behind bars. Examples of theft crimes under Texas law include:
- Larceny
- Theft
- Burglary
- Auto theft
- Robbery
- Fraud
- Forgery
- Identity theft
- Embezzlement
Probation Violation
Failure to pay court-ordered fines, failure to pay restitution, failure to check in with your probation officer, or failure of an alcohol or drug test may be considered a violation of probation.
While these actions would not otherwise be punishable, they are in probation violation proceedings.
You may be placed in jail and ineligible for bail until the probation violation issues are resolved. While the judge might permit you to attempt to resolve the matter without an attorney, it is critical to have experienced legal counsel on your side.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes are categorized as felonies in Texas. A violent crime is a broad legal category that covers a large number of criminal offenses that involve the use of, or even the threat of force or violence.
This includes both crimes in which the violent act is the objective, such as murder, as well as crimes in which violence is the means to an end, such as robbery. In Texas, violent crimes include crimes committed with and without weapons.
Examples of violent crimes include:
- Rape
- Murder
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
Felony charges in Texas include state jail felonies punishable by up to two years in jail, third-degree felonies punishable by two up to 10 years in prison, second-degree felonies punishable by two up to 20 years in prison, and first-degree felonies punishable by five years up to life in prison. All felonies can carry up to $10,000 in fines.
How a Richardson Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help
Being arrested for a criminal offense is likely one of the most stressful and intimidating experiences you will ever face. You may have little understanding of criminal laws or the justice system that prosecutes violators of those laws.
However, you have certain constitutional rights including the right to an attorney who understands the system and how to advocate on your behalf.
Putting an experienced attorney in your corner as soon as possible can increase your chances of a favorable outcome. At MAS Law, we are dedicated to fighting for your rights, your freedom, and your future.
Call MAS Law today and get started with our Richardson criminal defense lawyer. Dial (972) 460-9339 now.

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